Because they just had a 22 minute back rub by their favourite Hot Shot.
True to their word. The Captain and Hot Shot Hal lost the bet and had to give their favourite MarAl a back rub in front of a hot gas fireplace.
As the Hot Shot motto is "If You Ain't Winning, You Ain't Having Fun." it can also be said that Winning is more than having fun, if you know what I mean.
Poor MarAl Helene didn't get a back rub as her team also lost. Hot Shot Gord now has to lead the team on Tuesday Night At Taylor Creek. Why? Because the Captain and Hot Shot Hal are worn out. Their fingers are so sore from a 22 minute backrub that they won't be able to bowl on Tuesday night.
Captain Hot Shot
Big Burning question - did MarAl Sybil get her foot rub? I would also like to know where the Captain came up with 22 Minutes - why not 20 or 25? MarAl Judy got her foot rub in the hot tub and it was from the jets not Hot Shot Hal. No wonder he got the hot tub. Oh wait! - it was MarAl Judy's idea to get the hot tub. Maybe there was method in her madness. Maybe MarAl Sybil should go hot tub shopping.
WOW..A back rub..A foot rub whether it is by hands or by jets of a hot tub..I'm dreaming about this. I did get to see 22 Mins and it was funny but sure missed out on the rest :o( I don't know when I'll ever get this message as I didn't curl Fri morning and we have a "bye" this week, then off to NS the next week. Maybe Hot Shot Gord will feel sorry for me, & give me a message anyway.. yeah, a hot tub is the answer.
Hotette HR
Sorry Ladies I can't have been on the go so much that I didn't get a chance to respond to the blog. I am sure the back rubs were well deserved and from what I csan tell really enjoyed. However, when you are used to getting them on a regular basis I guess I take these things for granted. Will await the outcome of the Hot Shots and MarAl's games today.
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