When the Hot Shots left the legion last night after celebrating another night of 7 points and leading the infamous Professional Ambassador Bowling League Hot Shot Hal was heard to say: "He Walked The Talk!"
And yes he did. Hot Shot Caper Ray bowled his best night ever in the Orleans Bowling Center. You noticed in the photo that his eyes are closed. That may have been his secret for his great bowling.
Because of the freezing rain Mike's Pub at the Lanes closed and we had to go to the Legion to get Caper Ray his free beer.
Hot Shot Gord could not make it to the Legion as he had to get his car home into the garage. Captain Hot Shot stood up to the plate and was glad to present Hot Shot Caper Ray with a well deserved Free Beer.
"We are Winning, and We are Having Fun".
Captain Hot Shot
CONGRATS to the Hot Shots...life is so good. I thought Hot Shot Caper Ray was great with words but he is a great bowler too...ah but of course, behind every great Hot Shot is a Great Hotette who knows how to prepare her Hot Shot for the big night at Taylor Creek. We Hotettes are all doing our job, if you know what I mean...what a season this is going to be. :o)
Congratulations Hot Shots - what a season you guys are having. Hey Ray, thanks for showing everyone that when a Caper says he/she is going to do something - they do it.
Keep it up guys. From the sunny south with temp hitting 80 today - I know Gerry you are freezing your a--- off. I don't think so. Your weather from what I hear is great so stop complaining about my comments regarding our warm weather.
Hotette Ann & Hot Shot Pete
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