We are now in first place with another 7 points last night in Taylor Creek.
The Hot Shot Beer Winner was a Ray of sunshine last night as Hot Shot Ray came through in the last game with a 65 point game over his average to defeat Hot Shot Gord with a plus 27 and Hot Shot Hal with a plus 24.
We were hoping for two Rays of sunshine but Caper Ray is still in warmup mode.
What a great night. We are winning and we are having fun.
Captain Hot Shot
p.s. The Captain is serving as it is Hot Shot Ray's first time as a winner.
Hot Shots & Hotettes,
Yes, the Hot Shots and the MarAls are of to a great start of 2006.
One correction (or perhaps, a deliberate ommission by Captain Hot Shot??) as to why Captain Hot Shot was serving Hot Shot Ray.
The tradition established by Part Time Ex-Hot Shot Little Lenny was that the Hot Shot with the lowest pins under average must buy, and present, to the Hot Shot with the highest pins over average. That is why Captain Hot Shot is in the picture.
Despite this, the Hot Shots and MarAls are winning and having fun.
Well I can see that 2006 is going to be a great year as the Hot Shots and the MarAls are winning and have fun...what TEAMS. The Hotettes are doing something right. And of course the Hot Shots are getting their MarAls ready for their curling game at Navan Arena on Wednesdays, if you know what I mean. Life is good. Soon to be a MarAl again and hopefully winning & having fun too, HR :o)
NOTE: Little Lenny must not take a low profile and stay on the side lines...we need laughter...we need to hear his comments.
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