And look who is serving. Hot Shot Hal (who won last week) was the big Loser last night with a -26 points and Hot Shot Bubba with his 210 game ended with +46 points over his average.
It seems appropriate that Hot Shot Hal would lose as The Captain supects that he was behind the "Lets do the Captain In!" last week when the Captain had to serve the beer when he wasn't even the Loser.
We lost last night and we had some fun. Not as much as our motto of "If You Ain't Winning, You Ain't Having Fun." Maybe it was because of the free beer by Hot Shot Gord by winning the 50/50 draw.
We are still in first place so keep on smiling.
Captain Hot Shot
Nice photo - Santa sure looks in good shape after all his Christmas visits - did he mention the Lemieux's beautiful Christmas Tree - oh he probably was too busy with bowling. I was so impressed that the Captain had fun and didn't win!!! I think it was Santa's influence. I have a bed ready for Hot Shot Hal when he arrives for bowling school in Florida. I am sure Captain Hot Shot will receive lots of photos from Hot Shot Hal for his blog.
Hotette Ann,
Yes, Santa did comment on your beautiful Christmas tree this year and thought it was one of the best he had seen during his millions of visits.
Please send photos my Hot Shots bowling in Florida and getting ready for the finals in April.
Captain Hot Shot
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