Hi Captain Hot Shot,
I would like to apply for Hot Shot Jim's position on your professional bowling team. I have been following your blog since it was created and was waiting for this opportunity to apply. Captain Hot Shot I think you are the greatest. You are such a motivator and a leader for your Hot Shots and Hotettes.
After reading your last comments on Superhero Hot Shot Pete I want to bowl with him. He seems like my type of Superhero. I hope I can be his Superhero every Tuesday night at Taylor Creek.
If I measure up to the task I will be there Tuesday night. I am not that good a bowler but I think I could get the Hot Shots ready for Tuesday Night At Taylor Creek, if you know what I mean. It appears that the MarAl Curlers have let the Hot Shots down in that department.
I like winning and having fun and I know you Hot Shots are real Winners.
Waiting for your reply,
Your SuperHero,
Well Captain Hot Shot Pierre was so excited we the new prospect for the Hot Shot Team that he nearly broke his neck taking me down over the stairs to introduce me to Linda. I sure as hell hope she does sign up, maybe it will take the pressure of the rest of us Hotettes. By the way, Pierre wants her to bowl first so you all can assess her bowling skills - Yeah Right!
Dear Captain Hot Shot
c/o La La Land
In my humble opinion, you may never see 7 points again if Super Hero Linda joins your team because:
(1) me thinks her "you know what" (both of them) will get in the way when she stretches her arm out to release the bowling ball;
(2) she will definitely distract Hot Shot Pete when she does her little wiggle upon release of the ball and he will go downhill rapidly even thinking about cancelling Florida (obviously she can't help it if she wiggles). With talk of cancelling Florida he may not even make the game the week after because of his black eyes (he will say he tripped flying out the door after talking about Florida with his dear Hotette) - and then what - you will be down a Hot Shot.
(3) she will make all the other Hot Shots "gag gag" as well so they will only throw gutter balls when it is their turn to bowl;
(4) her heart won't really be into bowling - she will be busy scheming about joining the famous Mar Al Curling Rink while she bowls, knowing full well that this great team doesn't need her to win and she is not welcome in Navan
....but hey, "life is short" - I vote bring her on if it gives your team a lift, if you know what I mean.
Yeah those boobs might be a turn on but I question her bowling skills. Really go for it guys, if she has what it takes for you guys, well I guess with the exception of those who do so well at bowling, to clean house in bowling, SuperHeroLinda is just what the Captain needs to be on top at Taylor Creek. She is definitely too good to be true...take pictures okay. Gee we just may have Little Lenny doing a calendar for us MarAl's..just how lucky can we get..I hope Marilyn will let him.
Hotette & MarAl Helene :o0
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