Hot Shots,
You guys were the greatest last night. We took 7 points from the old unnamed President who needs new balls as his old ones are worn out.
Just look at the lovely support we had from the feMALE President with her sunny face and disposition. Treasurer Jan dressed as an Angel and prayed for the Hot Shots all night. They just love us dearly but they won't next week.
Yes, that is right Hot Shots and Hotettes we take on the feMALE President next week. What a night it will be. She is in first place and we are on our way to the top. We will knock her out of first place and watch her cry in her beer.
We are now recuriting for a replacement for Hot Shot Jim as he has been sent to bowling school in Florida. I know there are millions of people reading this blog. Post your resume now for the infamous professional bowling team called the Hot Shots.
We are Winning and We are Having Fun.
Captain Hot Shot
Congratulations Hot Shots - keep it up and you guys will be in 1st place in no time at all. Boy, it took a while of preparation, if you know what I mean, but Hot Shot Pete is on fire. I will try to keep the spark alive.
Hotette Lone Caper Curler Ann.
Way to go guys..good stuff Hotette Lone Caper Curler Ann, keep that man of your on fire but please let the rest of us in on the secret potion..if you know what I mean. We want to see this Hot Shot Team rise to the top. We will be sooo glad to see them happy. Heard of an adult store on St Laurent this morning..there seem to be a lot of women visiting it..seems there are ways and means there to get the fires burning if you know what I mean..perhaps I ought to pay a visit..hmmmmmmm
Hotette MarAl Curler Helene :o)
Congratulations to Captain Hot Shot and his Team. Haven't heard about 7 points in awhile. A special bravo for Hot Shot Pete.
Personally, I am at a complete loss - Hotette Ann advises she is spending a lot of time in preparation and Hotette Helene is talking about heading to the St. Laurent strip to find an adult "help me out" store. There is really not more much I can do for Hot Shot Hal at this point - he must have a mental block because everything else works. I certainly do not plan to go out and break my leg like Hotette Ann did to get Hot Shot Hal "hot" again and I haven't found a job Like Hotette Helene to pay to send Hot Shot Hal back to bowling school so we will just have to see how the next few weeks go.
Hotette JAM
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