It is with regret that I cannot accept your invitation to join the infamous professional bowling team called the Hot Shots.
From your photo I can tell from your ample assests that you would make a fine bowler and would be the hit of the league. Unfortunately, the Hot Shots are an all MALE bowling team and with your assests I think it would be difficult to pass you off as a male bowler.
As you can see from my photo I have started to drink because of not being able to accept your application. (This photo was taken by my grandson to show how he sees is Grandpa)
I do hope you understand SuperHero Linda. Hot Shot Pete will probably never get over it.
Retired Hot Shot Len will try and fill your bra, er, I mean bowling shoes on Tuesday night at Taylor Creek.
Captain Hot Shot
1 comment:
I am sure the Hot Shots will be sad that the Captain has declined SuperHero Linda's application, maybe devestated but I think that they have a better chance of reaching their goal to be the top team at Taylor Creek if Retiree Hot Shot Lenny goes to help them out. With "HOT" Hot Shot Pete, they both may inspire Hot Shot Hal & Hot Shot Gord to have the best shots ever in bowling. This was a wise choice the Captain made. GO HOT SHOTS GO
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