Look at smiling Hot Shot Pete with the HUGH BIG FREE BEER the Captain bought him.
Don't tell Hot Shot Pete that it was purchased with my first CPP cheque? He doesn't look at the blog as he didn't see my tennis girl from last week.
I suspect most don't look at the blog as there were no comments from the last post. It will be discontinued soon due to lack of interest.
Captain Hot Shot
Ok Ok - here is a comment for your blog. I sent an email regarding last weeks missed photo of Hot Shot Pete explaining that -I being such a humble and I forgot shy person -didn't want to complain that my Hot Shot didn't get his picture on the blog. But you did good this time - a nice of picture of Hot Shot Pete and Captain, you are actually smiling. And I thought that Hot Shot Pete was in a good mood because he bowled well - look at the size of that beer.
Hotette Ann,
The Captain is happy you are reading the Hot Shot blog. Hot Shot Pete is the happiest as he is leading the Free Beer Contest for this year. But can he keep it up. It is up to you Hotette Ann.
Your Captain
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