Hi Hot Shots & Hotettes,
The start of another season for the infamous professional bowling team known as the Hot Shots with their world famous motto: "If You Ain't Winning, You Ain't Having Fun". And by the look of this first photo - it is only the Captain that is having fun. He is enjoying his free beer as the Professional who bowled the most over his average, and enjoying it even more when Hot Shot Pete had to serve it to him.
The rest of the night was not fun as we only took two points from a new team in the league. One new member, bowling to a 150 average had all three games over 150 with the last two games 369 and 316. The Captain was upset and advised the new member he was going to break his leg on the way out tonight.
But, it was a great night. Everyone is SO happy to be back, away from the golf course on a beautiful sunny day in September.
The sad point of the night was that barmaid Emily was not their to serve us. What are we going to do without her perky face.
Captain Hot Shot
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